Old Albatross

This site is dedicated to waterfalls, mountains, an old aviators memories, with lots of poetic liberties, some just plain made up, and interesting places to visit.

Last additions - WATERFALLS NON-USA
Created by God, Engineered by Man258 viewsChute de la Chaudière , a waterfall with a dam built across the top. You will see why I use this photo several times on this web site.

From the ffot bridge below the falls one can look down into the city.

Aug 20, 2011
Frenchie508 viewsWent to Normandy to pay my respect to those young men who will never grow old.

Along the river I found the only waterfall I saw on the Seine River Cruise. Unfortunately, it was small and at night.

Yeah, I know the same nation that gave us (US) the Statue Of Liberty has better waterfalls, I just did not go near one.
Aug 14, 2011
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