Old Albatross

This site is dedicated to waterfalls, mountains, an old aviators memories, with lots of poetic liberties, some just plain made up, and interesting places to visit.

I-81 to Cumberland, MD


1 files, last one added on Aug 20, 2011
Album viewed 2 times

I-81 to Washington, DC


8 files, last one added on Jun 28, 2014
Album viewed 2 times


2 albums on 1 page(s)

Random files - C & O Tow Path Trail
Three Deep And A Mile Wide412 viewsUnion Soldiers marched, three deep along a mile front and into the Confederate guns behind the cemetery wall.

For twenty three thousand Americans the Civil War ended that day in September 1862.
Awaiting The Charge278 viewsAntietam cannon stand awaiting the charge.
Beginning and End346 viewsCumberland, MD where the Great Allegheny Passage begins and the C&O Tow Path ends.

A truly neat city, especially downtown.

Anywhere I can sit outside, eat good "Q", wash it down with a beer and get BJ stitched up from her latest bike accident, is a good lace to be in the Summertime.
Just A Cornfield?419 viewsIt was just a cornfield until that faithful day of September, 17th 1862, when the blood of twenty three thousand Men forever fertilized the conscience of the greatest nation ever to have been on Earth.
Why we came!426 viewsThe battle of Antietam was fought at Sharpsburg, MD. along the route of the C & O Canal Tow Path BJ and I are currently riding.
Least We Forget425 viewsSoldiers of stone stand at Antietam where in one single battle 23,000 casualties were suffered, more Americans than in one single day of battle, before or since.
BJ's Charge510 viewsBJ's Charge up Bloody Lane. As you can see bikes are allowed throughout the battlefield.

Last additions - C & O Tow Path Trail
WHITES FERRY738 viewsJun 28, 2014
BJ's Charge510 viewsBJ's Charge up Bloody Lane. As you can see bikes are allowed throughout the battlefield. Oct 02, 2011
Just A Cornfield?419 viewsIt was just a cornfield until that faithful day of September, 17th 1862, when the blood of twenty three thousand Men forever fertilized the conscience of the greatest nation ever to have been on Earth.Oct 02, 2011
Why we came!426 viewsThe battle of Antietam was fought at Sharpsburg, MD. along the route of the C & O Canal Tow Path BJ and I are currently riding.Oct 02, 2011
Least We Forget425 viewsSoldiers of stone stand at Antietam where in one single battle 23,000 casualties were suffered, more Americans than in one single day of battle, before or since.Oct 02, 2011
Three Deep And A Mile Wide412 viewsUnion Soldiers marched, three deep along a mile front and into the Confederate guns behind the cemetery wall.

For twenty three thousand Americans the Civil War ended that day in September 1862.
Oct 02, 2011
Awaiting The Charge278 viewsAntietam cannon stand awaiting the charge.Oct 02, 2011
Not Allowed376 viewsPark Ranger just said no motorized vehicles on the Tow Path. Want to know more about this pick-up?

Oct 02, 2011