Old Albatross

This site is dedicated to waterfalls, mountains, an old aviators memories, with lots of poetic liberties, some just plain made up, and interesting places to visit.



1 files, last one added on Sep 10, 2011
Album viewed 2 times

British Columbia


7 files, last one added on Sep 16, 2011
Album viewed 4 times


2 albums on 1 page(s)

Random files - CANADA
Little Qualicum Falls-3511 viewsLQF-3&-4 are the same view with focal point and exposure time differences. My preference is the darker photo with the closer rocks as the focal point, rather than the falls itself.
383 views4 views Montmerency Falls just outside Quebec City. Note the even crest of the falls.A hydroelectric dam was built across thetop.

A foot bridge is located just below the falls and you can see the city from there as your walk across. For more information http://www.viator.com/Quebec-City-attractions/Montmorency-Falls-Park/d626-a966
Little Qualicum Falls-1465 viewsLocated along HWY 4 in Little Qualicum Falls Provincial Park, this is one of many falls and cascades.
Galiano Home531 viewsView right from our room at Rocky Ridge
Kennedy River Cascades-1395 viewsThese cascades are along Hwy 4, north of Port Alberni, BC.
Little Quailcum Valls-2516 viewsSurreal Qualicum.

With the aid of polarizing and haze reduction filters this is what the camera viewed.
Kennedy River Cascades-2535 viewsObtained this odd shot of the cascades by laying the camera on a big rock, as seen in foreground.(truth is I did not have a tripod with me)
Little Qualicum Falls-4511 viewsWhatcha think? If you like neither then I'll blame it on the ever present Sunshine.

Vancouver is know for it's cool misty climate but, we had ten straight days of brilliant sunshine. Niece for touring but tough on waterfalls photography.

Last additions - CANADA
Galiano Home531 viewsView right from our room at Rocky RidgeSep 16, 2011
Kennedy River Cascades-2535 viewsObtained this odd shot of the cascades by laying the camera on a big rock, as seen in foreground.(truth is I did not have a tripod with me)Sep 11, 2011
Little Qualicum Falls-4511 viewsWhatcha think? If you like neither then I'll blame it on the ever present Sunshine.

Vancouver is know for it's cool misty climate but, we had ten straight days of brilliant sunshine. Niece for touring but tough on waterfalls photography.
Sep 11, 2011
Little Qualicum Falls-3511 viewsLQF-3&-4 are the same view with focal point and exposure time differences. My preference is the darker photo with the closer rocks as the focal point, rather than the falls itself.Sep 11, 2011
Little Quailcum Valls-2516 viewsSurreal Qualicum.

With the aid of polarizing and haze reduction filters this is what the camera viewed.
Sep 11, 2011
Little Qualicum Falls-1465 viewsLocated along HWY 4 in Little Qualicum Falls Provincial Park, this is one of many falls and cascades.Sep 11, 2011
Kennedy River Cascades-1395 viewsThese cascades are along Hwy 4, north of Port Alberni, BC.Sep 11, 2011
383 views4 views Montmerency Falls just outside Quebec City. Note the even crest of the falls.A hydroelectric dam was built across thetop.

A foot bridge is located just below the falls and you can see the city from there as your walk across. For more information http://www.viator.com/Quebec-City-attractions/Montmorency-Falls-Park/d626-a966
Sep 10, 2011