Old Albatross

This site is dedicated to waterfalls, mountains, an old aviators memories, with lots of poetic liberties, some just plain made up, and interesting places to visit.

Steel Creek Falls ***


7 files, last one added on Jul 04, 2012
Album viewed 1 times

McGalliard Falls *


3 files, last one added on Dec 05, 2011
Album viewed 2 times

Newland Falls *


1 files, last one added on Dec 05, 2011
Album viewed 1 times

Little Lost Cove Creek Falls ***


6 files, last one added on Jul 06, 2012
Album viewed 1 times

Hunt Fish Falls **


5 files, last one added on Jun 08, 2012
Album viewed 2 times

Chestnut Cove Creek falls **


2 files, last one added on Jun 14, 2012
Album viewed 2 times

South Harpers Creek Falls ***


4 files, last one added on Jun 27, 2012
Album viewed 2 times



4 files, last one added on Aug 02, 2012
Album viewed 2 times

Glen Burnie Trail Falls **

0 files
Album viewed 0 times

Thorps Creek Falls *


2 files, last one added on Sep 02, 2012
Album viewed 1 times

Toms Creek Falls *


3 files, last one added on Dec 14, 2012
Album viewed 2 times

Whitewater Falls *


4 files, last one added on Apr 03, 2013
Album viewed 3 times

46 albums on 4 page(s) 2

Random files - North Carolina
Potholes227 viewsFound these interesting potholes just below Courthouse Falls.
NH-6295 views
Upper Falls532 viewsIf you passed the Rock Serpent and down an 8 ft drop to the creek this will be your reward. This upper falls we did not know about.
Bottom falls of the tandems.299 views
Geouge Creek_1200x900.jpg
Geouge Creek Falls *301 views
The Veil284 viewsIt spreads out like a BRIDAL VEIL as it flows down the slide type rock face.
Lower Panthertown Creek Falls364 viewsThe hike to the lower falls is pretty easy until the turn off below The Great Wall, then there is nothing that can be called a trail, just a few faded ribbons and a few clips.

This 0.2 mile bushwhack through a recent controlled burn I would rate difficult for those not accustomed to Bushwhacking.
Hiker photo336 viewsIf it were not for a graduated neutral density filter this photo would be a white out. I am a hiker that takes photos.

Last additions - North Carolina
Mill Creek Falls 609 viewsAs easy as it gets! The falls is on private property but, being a camping ministry, they are easy to get along with. Please, check in with the camp.Jan 25, 2015
Mill Creek Falls 598 viewsAs easy as it gets! The falls is on private property but, being a camping ministry, they are easy to get along with. Please, check in with the camp.Jan 25, 2015
Upper Falls532 viewsIf you passed the Rock Serpent and down an 8 ft drop to the creek this will be your reward. This upper falls we did not know about.Jan 25, 2015
Beware The Serpent614 viewsPanthertowns portal to the upper falls of Panthertown Creek is guarded by this Rock Serpent.

Legend has it that those who litter here should have the serpent to fear.(I just made that legend up)
Jan 25, 2015
The Lower Falls508 viewsThe lower Falls is about 20 ft or so but quiet pretty.Jan 25, 2015
The Lower Falls532 viewsThe lower Falls is about 20 ft or so but quiet pretty.Jan 25, 2015
The Lower Falls348 viewsThe lower Falls is about 20 ft or so but quiet pretty.Jan 25, 2015
Lower Panthertown Creek Falls364 viewsThe hike to the lower falls is pretty easy until the turn off below The Great Wall, then there is nothing that can be called a trail, just a few faded ribbons and a few clips.

This 0.2 mile bushwhack through a recent controlled burn I would rate difficult for those not accustomed to Bushwhacking.
Jan 25, 2015