Old Albatross

This site is dedicated to waterfalls, mountains, an old aviators memories, with lots of poetic liberties, some just plain made up, and interesting places to visit.

Clinch River *


15 files, last one added on Dec 21, 2011
Album viewed 3 times

Little Stony Creek waterfalls


10 files, last one added on Sep 15, 2011
Album viewed 3 times

Abram's Falls


7 files, last one added on Sep 17, 2011
Album viewed 2 times

Cabin Creek Falls


2 files, last one added on Sep 17, 2011
Album viewed 3 times

Garrett Creek Falls


2 files, last one added on Sep 17, 2011
Album viewed 2 times

Guest Rive Gorge


5 files, last one added on Sep 20, 2011
Album viewed 3 times

Crabtree Falls


14 files, last one added on Oct 25, 2011
Album viewed 3 times

Statons Creek Falls


4 files, last one added on Oct 25, 2011
Album viewed 2 times

Glen Falls


2 files, last one added on Oct 26, 2011
Album viewed 2 times

9 albums on 1 page(s)

Random files - Virginia
Just Part218 viewsJust a little part of Statons Creek Falls.
Near The Top206 viewsNot quiet there yet but, near the top.
No Excuses215 viewsSome days are better than others for photographing waterfalls. This was one of those days but, leaves no excuse for making bad photos.

Bottom of Statons Creek Falls.
For Lovers?209 viewsVirginia is for lovers.........if you love waterfalls.

This series of waterfalls is like a cascade on a very large scale.

I only had a short time to take these photos but, already planning a tripback, just to photograph Crabtree.
Brush217 viewsI will try for something better in the Fall after the leaves but, this falls is about 10 ft. high.

Could not get a clean shot to measure with the laser.
Garrett Creek Falls 218 viewsGarrett Creek Falls is a no-hiker, right beside the road falls.

If you decide to photograph from the bottom be careful of glass and debris going down.

It is multi tiered so kind of hard to get an exact height but, is a pretty high water slide type falls.
Cabin creek Falls302 viewsCabin Creek Falls is another SW Virginia falls located right beside the road.

What makes it different is the size of the "step" rocks located in the near field, abut eight feet high, forming the steps all the way up the falls.
Little Stony Middle-2221 views

Last additions - Virginia
Falls6B446 viewsDec 21, 2011
Falls 6A415 viewsDec 21, 2011
falls 5C408 viewsDec 21, 2011
Falls 5B411 viewsthis really is a small waterfall. BJ and I passed up several this size. One gets picky after a while.Dec 21, 2011
Falls 5A406 viewsNaaa. not a waterfalls but, the beautifu Clinch river, just across the road from Falls 5Dec 21, 2011
Falls 4B401 viewsDec 21, 2011
falls 4A238 viewsDec 21, 2011
falls 3B238 viewsDec 21, 2011