Last additions - West Virginia
Short Slide614 viewsBrush Creek Falls would be classified a * but, to get to the bottom for photography is a short climb or slide down.Aug 24, 2013
Mill Remains562 viewsNotice the mill remains on the far side of Brush Creek Falls.Aug 24, 2013
Short Drive570 viewsBrush Creek is made for photographers. It is located not far from Bluefield, WV and just off I-77. Must have drive past it dozens of times.Aug 24, 2013
Center582 viewsPhoto taken from the cente island belwo Sandstone Falls.Aug 24, 2013
Fishing The New573 views A fly fisherman just below Sandstone Falls. Talked with him later and he had csught some trout.Aug 24, 2013
Timber580 viewsLook at all the timber caught up in Sandstone Falls.Aug 24, 2013
Sandstone Falls437 viewsSandstone Falls goes completely across the New River in west Virginia. Not very tall but, very wideAug 24, 2013
Laurels Blooming389 viewsIf Elekala wasn't pretty enough, the Laurels were in bloom.Jul 19, 2013