Old Albatross

This site is dedicated to waterfalls, mountains, an old aviators memories, with lots of poetic liberties, some just plain made up, and interesting places to visit.

Cascades plunge337 viewsUpper Creek Falls is located just off NC 181 about halfway down the mountain between Linville and Morganton.

Definately worth the drive fron Tennessee. The "Lower" part is lots of cascades followed by the Big Falls above.
The hiking family327 viewsThe longer I hike the more I realize the scope of the hiking family.

I am about forty miles from home and find a friend from church.

He showed us how to go up the right side of the falls, safely, and complete the trail loop. He is a through hiker of the AT.
A creek of cascades423 viewsThe creek is really one big flat rock after another.
The biggie!346 viewsI was not expecting the falls to be this high and with wet weather could be reallywide.
On Top340 viewsThe trail crosses at a safe distance above the top of Upper Creek Falls but, that does not discourage the risk takers from venturing to the edge.
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